In mid-March 2020, the pandemic pulled my photography business from under me.

Eleven years of momentum collapsed around me, leaving me with a lot of time and no clue what was next.

The last time this happened was in 2009 during the great financial crisis. I got laid off from my corporate ad job, and decided to work for myself. I loved photographing people and I've been able to travel the world taking portraits of politicians, celebrities, executives, models, and newlyweds.

Through working with so many different people in different situations, I learned how to create a safe space where people have permission to be themselves.

Coaching isn’t much different.

If portraiture is about bringing out someone’s photogenic potential, then coaching is about bringing out their intuitive potential.

It was my coach who helped get me unstuck and see how coaching is a convergence of my skills, knowledge, and personal growth over the past 13 years. What felt like the end in 2020 was actually the answering of a lifelong calling.

I can't wait to hear your story and see how I can help you get unstuck to do your most courageous work.